Order Processing Time

  • Orders typically take 1-3 business days to process before shipping.
  • You’ll receive an email notification with a tracking number once your order is shipped.
  • If there are any unexpected delays, we’ll keep you informed via email.

US Shipping

  • Estimated transit time: 5-7 business days
  • Shipping fee: $4.95
  • Note: We currently do not ship to US military bases.


  • We do not collect sales tax on orders.
  • Customers are responsible for any local, state, or federal taxes that may apply upon package arrival.

Shipping Delays

  • If your package doesn’t arrive within the estimated delivery time, please contact our customer support at Email: support@heyteeshop.com.
  • We will offer a refund for packages that take longer than 30 days to arrive.

Lost or Undelivered Packages

  • If your tracking shows “delivered” but you haven’t received your package:
    • Check your property for secure locations where it might be left.
    • Contact the shipping carrier for assistance.
    • If the issue persists, reach out to our customer support at Email: support@heyteeshop.com.

Incorrect or Incomplete Addresses

  • We are not responsible for undeliverable packages due to incorrect addresses provided by the customer.
  • Please double-check your shipping address during checkout.
  • If you notice an error, contact us immediately at Email: support@heyteeshop.com. However, we cannot guarantee if your order has already shipped.

Refused or Undeliverable Packages

  • If a package is returned due to customer refusal or multiple failed delivery attempts, Heyteeshop Store reserves the right to cancel the order and may withhold refunds.

Important Notes

  • Delivery times may vary during peak seasons or due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • While we strive for accurate shipping information, we cannot be held responsible for delays caused by shipping carriers or customs.


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